Episode 09: Lori Emmett


Who is Lori Emmett and why can’t you see her face?

We have deliberately chosen to blur Lori’s face so you have a glimpse of what it means to live with face blindness or prosopagnosia.

She is today’s guest on A Home in the Outback, an independent podcast about people living, working and creating in the far west. I also produce private life stories for family history. Please get in touch if that service interests you.

You can listen to the interview on YouTube, Spotify or apple podcasts.

Lori spent a lot of her life being told that she was dumb, lazy and self-centred and she believed it. She could see people’s faces but never remember them.

As a child, she would focus really hard on what her parents were wearing any particular day to identify them at the shops. She never questioned she was different to other people.

As an adult, Lori discovered she had prosopagnosia after her mum watched a documentary on it. Finally Lori had a name for something she has struggled with her whole life.

Lori currently works at Willy Nilly Art helping artist Amanda Johnson behind the scene. Lori is a wonderful story teller and impersonator and this weekend she’ll be performing in the local production of Steel Magnolias at Theatre 44, 11 – 14 April. Purchase a ticket to see the show and see Lori performing live.

You can listen to this interview on YouTube, Spotify or apple podcasts.

The interview will also be rebroadcasted on 2DRY FM on Saturday 13 April 2024 at 11am ACST.

A Home in the Outback is produced by Katherine Waite an interviewer and writer based in Broken Hill, NSW. I also produce private life stories for family history. Please get in touch if that service interests you.

Thanks to Foundation Broken Hill for its support in this project.

Music by Aimee Volkofsky – Heart is a desert from Dust Lust.


Episode 10: Robert Williamson


Episode 08: Airlie Gladman