Episode 06: Ann Evers


Meet Ann Evers a basket weaver and native gardener who has lived in Broken Hill for 50 years.

She is today’s guest on A Home in the Outback, an independent podcast about people living, working and creating in the far west.

You can listen to the interview on YouTube, Spotify or apple podcasts.

Anne was born in Perth to English parents; her father was a geneticist and her mother was a biologist and artist.

Growing up the family moved overseas a lot to follow her father’s career.

Ann went to university in Canberra and met and married a Broken Hill boy called Bob.

They moved to Broken Hill to care for Bob’s mother who fell ill and Ann fell in love with the desert place immediately.  

They inherited the stone hut that Bob grew up in which has a connection to the Picnic Train Attack in 1915.

Over the years they’ve restored the house which Ann still lives in to this day.

Ann learned to weave baskets from Australia’s pre-eminent basket weaver Virginia Kaiser.

Ann’s art reflects on her connections to the land, its post-colonial stories and Afghan history. She hopes her art encourages locals to value Broken Hill and the far west.

You can listen to the interview on YouTube, Spotify or Apple podcasts.

The interview will also be rebroadcasted on 2DRY FM on Saturday 23 March at 11am ACST.

A Home in the Outback is produced by Katherine Waite an interviewer and writer based in Broken Hill, NSW. I also produce private life stories for family history. Please get in touch if that service interests you.

Thanks to Foundation Broken Hill for its support in this project.

Music by Aimee Volkofsky – Heart is a desert from Dust Lust.


Episode 07: David Doyle


Episode 05: Hugh Lord